Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Dear RDoc,

One thing that I've quickly taken for granted is RDoc. Prior to RDoc, I lamented that the documentation that I wrote in code was impossible to discover, and thus the in-code documentation was useless for non-programmers. Thus, in order to "say" what the system did, additional documentation needed to be created. So now there were two sets of documents, both saying what the system did, but not communicating with each other.

Oh the humanity!

Enter RDoc. I can now rake that information and generate a useful document defining the system. It gets even better if I start using should-language, either in specify or test context (i.e. specify 'student should have a name' or def test_student_should_have_a_name). Then I can rake just the method names and get a document that says concisely what the system should do.

Of course this leads itself to writing test stubs earlier in the project process. Even better, it is possible for a project manager to write some of these specifications.

Suddenly, the tests, which everyone wants and needs, become useful not only for documentation but also for communication and um... testing. And better yet, the documentation is not discarded nor duplicated.

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